benjamin [henry] regier.

college sophomore and a connoisseur of light.


how many times around the sun: 20

THINGS THAT ARE FUN and about me:
if not with my friends i'm either home editing photos, youtubing photoshop ideas [but mostly stupid videos], drooling over the Apple website, or playing call of duty. My windshield wipers are either full blast, or off.

WHAT ARE YOUR BUDS LIKE? my friends are musical, wordy, and very musical. from saxophones to beards, to dairy queen, to the same 4 songs on the guitar, my friends are an essential part to the eye inside my mind.

Packages starting at $400. Optional bound album (Add $50) with 100 fully edited photographs, images will be posted on this blog for your personal use. Full wedding coverage included.
Contact photographer for more pricing information.

Packages start at $300. Also includes bound album with 50 edited photographs as well as disc with images for your use.
Contact photographer for more pricing information.

Homecoming and Dance Events
Coverage is pre-dance only.
Groups of 1-20: $175
Groups 20+: $200
Group packages include portrait of each couple, as well as all group shots.
Images will be available on my blog for your use.

Senior Portraits
2 changes of clothes.
30 fully edited photograph limit.
Images will be uploaded to this website for your personal use.
Regier Imaging does not print.

Parties of 10-20 - $175
Includes 50-75 edited photographs.

Parties of 20-40 - $250
Includes 75-100 edited photographs.

Parties of 40+ --- $350
Includes 100-140 edited photographs.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Genesis 1-3

Sitting on the tarmac at the Raleigh airport this morning, I anticipated the sunrise through the small port window of a Boeing 737. Shortly after takeoff the horizon began to glow red, ablaze with the piercing light of the rising sun. Outside the aircraft the temperature hovered around a crisp 33 degrees Fahrenheit. As the sun began to highlight the rest of the sky transforming red hues into glorious crystal clear blue skies, I reflected upon the wonderful passages that depict the creation of our beautiful universe. 

Genesis 1-3 depicts the Creation account all the way to the fall of man. However, in this post I want to address the Creation account. If someone were to ask you what subject of Genesis 1 is, what would you respond? Creation? Our universe? Nature? Or even the sheer power of our God? 

Go back and open your Bible. Look at the beginning of nearly every single verse in this chapter. What does it say? 

"So God. . ." 
"And God. . ." 
"God. . ."

Is Creation the focus here? Maybe. But it seems that the focus is more on the Creator, not the creation. Creation is the object, God is the subject

God is the subject. 

The next time you relax and just take in the beauty of the Lord's creation, make it your focus to meditate on the Creator as well. 

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."
 Psalm 19:1